Monday, July 7, 2014

It's all about the Room

So... I have been absent on my blog for a couple of months, but it truly seems like a whole entire year. I have been packing and getting ready for college, which of course means endless shopping and endless list-making of all the objects you need to make the dorm your home-away-from-home. While shopping for dorm accessories and objects, I have come across some neat and in-vogue accessories for any room that you spend majority of your time in. If you are going to spend hours in this room, you might as well enjoy the luxuries and environment of the room, right? Well, I have found some treasures that you can add to your "special" room that can make it versatile and comfy!

1. The Storage Ottaman

-This piece of furniture can play two major roles in any room, including a comfortable foot rest and a storage bin for any of your belongings. These storage ottamans come in a variety of sizes, styles, and patterns, which make them an effective solution to building clutter in any room. I love to place old board games or magazines in this storage ottaman because it is easily and conveniently accessible, just in case you need those items again. Target carries a variety of storage ottamans in their college material sections, where they showcase the desk lamps and bed sheets. You can find storage ottamans at Target ranging anywhere from 40 dollars to 60 dollars and above.

2. Make an Inspiration Board

Many people find importance in rooms where there is a collection of their personal belongings or treasures, which creates a personal connection to the room for them. Inspiration boards are a creative and personal way to add some personality and flare to a room that you want to call your own. This board can be plastered with old photographs of you and a friend, random quotes from a magazine, or your own art and drawings. It can even be more orderly than a messy collage of random things you like, such as a collection of frames of your favorite photographs or artworks. The purpose of an inspiration board is to display all the elements and things that inspire you to, in essence, be who you are and reach your goal. I love the idea of the inspiration board because it is a place where you can look up and recall good, forgotten memories or a place where you can seek inspiration to achieve a long term goal. Here are some inspiration boards that I became really fond of, which is why I am using them as inspiration for my very own.

Until next time.

Be creative and find your zen.


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